Fraud Blocker Geocell for Driveways | BaseCore™
BaseCore™ Geocell for Driveways

BaseCore™ Geocell for Driveways

Trust BaseCore™ Geocell as the driveway foundation solution for commercial businesses across the country. Build lower-cost driveways than concrete with maximum durability and skip asphalt and gravel maintenance.


Cut Out Concrete Specialists

Concrete crews can cost a fortune, especially when you have to involve specialists. They make driveway completion impossible if a client can’t pay past their budget. And this can put delays on commercial driveways and inconvenience running businesses.

With BaseCore™ geocell driveways, anyone can become a specialist in a few hours, including landscape laborers and construction workers. You can save thousands from calling in concrete men and skip lengthy settling time after pouring.

Recycle Infill Materials

Hauling off-site materials to your driveway is a thing of the past when you install a durable BaseCore™ Geocell base. The geocell foundation grid evenly disperses load support lateral pressure rather than absorbing vehicle pressure in one area.

Our unique honeycomb structure is strong enough to support sands, clays, and gravel infill to reduce project costs. BaseCore™ Geocell recycles previous base materials, saves on heavy dumping equipment, and builds a stronger driveway.


BaseCore™ Geocell Beats Common Driveway Foundations

Most companies choose asphalt, concrete, dirt, and gravel bases as BaseCore™ Geocell alternatives. However, we believe our driveways always outperform as the strongest industrial ground stabilization grids. They last for a lifetime with minimal maintenance and help commercial clients across the globe.

Permeable Yes No Sometimes Yes Erosion
Strength Strong Strong Medium Weak None
Longevity Durable Durable Short-term Short-term Unreliable
Installation Easy Expert Easy Easy None
Maintenance None Check for cracking Check for cracking Reseal every 2-3 years Erosion
Price Cheap Expensive Cheap Cheap None
Sub-Base None Yes Yes None Weak soil
Settle Time Drive instantly 28 days 3 days 7 days None

Geocell Benefits for Driveways

Forget Regular Maintenance

Forget Regular Maintenance

Your project continues when clients request gravel maintenance and asphalt resealing. However, you can install BaseCore™ Geocell panels and be finished with the driveway for 75+ years.

No Sub Base 2

No Sub Base

Gabion-size stones and wire mesh boxes are not necessary when BaseCore™ Geocell evenly distributes downward forces. Depending on the project, you can even use recycled infill rather than haul heavy materials off-site.

Dig 33% Less Driveway

Dig 33% Less Driveway

Irrigation, utility, wifi, and other lines may run underneath your driveway section, causing construction problems. However, BaseCore™ Geocell cuts down excavation time by laying the base on ⅓ less depth than other foundations.

Driveway Drainage

Driveway Drainage

Our BaseCore™ geocell structures are perforated and have natural drainage like gravel and asphalt. Prevent pooling, flooding, and potholes with a cost-effective product that doesn’t compromise driveway strength.

No Settling for Specialists

No Settling for Specialists

BaseCore™ Geocell creates a time-efficient driveway without concrete pouring and settling times. Improve your private or public reputation by shortening the completion date and removing concrete crews.

Same-Day Driveway Traffic

Same-Day Driveway Traffic

Instead of waiting 3-27 days for regular driveways to settle, you can take your car or truck on the project immediately after infill. Clients can open their new driveways right after you finish with a quicker turnaround thanks to BaseCore™ Geocell.

Recycle Infill Material

Recycle Infill Material

Save more with BaseCore™ Geocell driveways by having greater infill versatility. Local aggregate and sands add foundational support to the project while allowing you to fill with gravel and other materials.

Customize Driveway Foundation Strength

We know your client may have different vehicles on the driveway depending on the application. Whether they’re heavy-duty work trucks or Sudans, our BaseCore engineers have got you covered.

BaseCore™ Geocell and BaseCore™ HD geocells provide unique driveway foundation support so you get the heavy-duty base you need. And we can even customize the product height for additional strength and fit them to your driveway’s dimensions.

geocell height

Consult with Driveway Specialists

You’ll need a project consultation to build the cheapest and strongest commercial driveway with unique specifications. Our BaseCore engineering support team gives professional advice on applying BaseCore™ Geocell within a few hours of contacting us.