Fraud Blocker Durable BaseCore™ Geocell Products | Geocell Commercial Bases
Our Durable Geocell Products

Our Durable Geocell Products

We’ve got everything you need to lay a solid foundation for your commercial project. Choose dependable, military-proven products that last a lifetime, shorten your completion date, and put soil in its place.

What are Geocell Commercial Bases?

BaseCore™ geocell panels distribute intense weight and lateral pressure across any commercial base. They are ultrasonically welded for natural climate and chemical resistance to withstand the soil and changing seasons.

Perforation (holes) between the cells allow water to pass through, eliminating the need for expensive drainage systems under your base. We also offer a selection of non-perforated BaseCore™ Geocell for commercial versatility.

Get a solid foundation with durability and permeability at an affordable cost.

BaseCore Geocell

BaseCore™ Geocell

The original collapsable geocell panel you can trim and fit into any project size with easy installation. BaseCore™ Geocell is a sturdy foundation that does the job better than concrete and asphalt with natural drainage and easier installation.

BaseCore™ HD Geocell

BaseCore™ HD Geocell provides an even stronger commercial base you can trust. This upgraded geocell has welds closer together for cells that support a more intense load. Lay our army-strong geocells underneath heavy-duty traffic areas, such as roadways and parking lots.

BaseCore Geocell

Need Custom Geocell Strength?

Our BaseCore™ engineering support team understands you may have unique project needs and may need extra support. We can consult your project on the durability you require and custom-build BaseCore™ Geocell panels of different heights. Also, our engineers can recommend slope angles for embankment situations and give our recommendations.

BaseCore™ Geocell for Any Commercial Project

BaseCore™ Geocell and BaseCore™ HD Geocell are install-ready foundations for your slopes, embankments, or pathways. This weather-resistant, military-grade base has various applications that you can trust to get any commercial job done right. We want to expand your knowledge of geocell and its project implications so you can achieve a quicker completion date.

BaseCore™ Geocell for Driveways

BaseCore™ Geocell for
Slope Protection

BaseCore™ Geocell for

BaseCore™ Geocell for
Erosion Control

BaseCore™ Geocell for
Parking Lots

BaseCore Geocell for
Shoreline Protection

BaseCore Geocell

Scientifically Designed for Engineering Performance

Whether you’re a facility owner, landscape company, engineer, or client, you should have confidence in your project’s foundation. We have everything you need online to prove the raw commercial power of BaseCore™ Geocell.

Easy Installation for Construction & Landscape

Our BaseCore™ Geocell products never require advanced equipment or specialists, which means you can get the job done for less than concrete, asphalt, or aggregate itself. With collapsible HDPE panels, you can construct a foundation with 50% fewer base materials for load support. Plus, you and your client save on geocell labor and cost with less installation time.

Grab any landscaping or construction crew to build a durable base engineered for your commercial project.

BaseCore Geocell

The Infill Options are Endless

The design site, budget, or strength required may call for or restrict you to certain infill materials. BaseCore™ Geocell is flexible across these project needs and doesn’t demand a certain aggregate that drives up project costs and the completion date. After evaluating your project and the scope of your geocell use, our engineers can help pick a cost-friendly, reliable material.



Add concrete of various strengths and surface finishes to amplify strength and durability of BaseCore™ Geocell. Geotechnical site conditions may dictate concrete as the infill material for harsher conditions. Just mix and pour into each cell after expanding them over your project area.


Schedule a Free Project Evaluation

Our BaseCore™ engineering support team offers a free consultation to help you find the best foundation for your commercial project. We believe in hearing your client’s needs and offering the right solution rather than selling you a product.